Thursday, December 16, 2010


I completely forgot to put an update on where my new blog is:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Yoda Speaks Wise Words

I've had a crazy insight of what my life could be in a few years- horrible.
I have so much guilt inside me. It's like lodged in me!

I know it's just a science fiction thing but Yoda says, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
I really believe that. And since i watched the movie, i've been fearing and angry and hating people more and more. It seriously has to end.

In the next couple days, im gonna be facing people who i wouldnt necessarily face and just letting out all this guilt. There are specific people whom i must say sorry to. And if there's one thing i know about me: I hate apologising with actual meaning. I've done it a couple times i think but it always ended up with tears. I think that's mainly for the serious cases of my problems.
These people might think im incredibly mad (Crazy) or just piss the hell laughing (which would be good cause then i wouldnt cry) but i seriously need to let it all out.

I'm over all this whinging and swearing. I hate it.

Oh btw, i'll be starting a new blog once this all happens.
Suckers! You'll all have to remember a new blog url!

Guess Who's Got Tickets To Go Watch Hairspray The Musical??

and my sister.
I just forgot to mention this days ago.

She's So Gonna Kill Me


My One Oath

I swear to be/or to become:
More happy.
Less hateful. (towards others)
More fun.
Less getting upset for something i never had.
More gutsy!

I hope i can stay true to my word.


After church, my cousin told me how funny my facebook page was with the funny crap i have on my page and the conversations me and my sister have on facebook! Even though we see each other basically everyday at home. LOLL.
Then she called us douches.

So then i got home and spammed her wall. AHAHAH! SUCKERRRR!

After church though, my sister made me go for a walk and then all of a sudden I GET WATER SOAKED FROM A WATER GUN FROM A DOUCHY GUY IN A CAR! I continued walking and then HE STRIKED AGAIN! OMGGG...he cant drive for shit btw.
So i yelled out (sort of), "TURN YOUR FAGGOT!"
Rude yes but what he did was more rude!


So my boss tells me that if i get over 1.9 IPC then she'll buy me a bag of lollies.
So for the time she was gone, i made 1.9 IPC for the 1 o'clocks and that put us ranking #1 of the district for highest IPC! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
For myself, i had 2.5 IPC! FUCK MAN! THATS HIGH!
I wasn't even trying to get the lollies but honestly, it was on my mind.

In the end, i got 1.8 IPC but she bought me a bag of M&M's anyway.